When two substances that are of different temperatures are brought together and there is heat transfer such that the substances come to thermal equilibrium, the effect on the particle motion are as follows
1) The particle motion of the hotter body reduces, because its temperature reduces
2) The particle motion of the colder body increases, because its temperature increases
3) For gases, the volume and or pressure reduces for the hotter body, and if the temperature of the gas falls below the boiling point temperature, the gas will change into liquid
For the colder gas, only the volume and or pressure increases and the temperature rises
4) For liquids, if the temperature of the hotter liquid falls below the melting point, the hotter liquid will become a frozen solid
For the the colder liquid, if the temperature is raised above the boiling point, the liquid changes into gas and the temperature does not rise above the boiling point temperature, until all the cold liquid has evaporated
5) For solids, the vibration of the particles of the hotter substance reduces and the solid becomes more brittle
For the colder body, the rise in temperature causes an increase in vibration of the particles, and if the temperature rises above the melting point, the colder solid will begin to melt
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