1st Response
The response achieves the following:
• R - Restates the question clearly in the response.
A - Answers the question fully and correctly.
• C- Cites sufficient examples that are relevant to the question and fully supports the answer.
E - Explains examples by providing relevant commentary
• S- Sums up response with a concluding statement
The response achieves the following:
• R - Attempts to restate the question but is unclear. Response may begin with "so" or "because."
• A-
• C- Provides limited or irrelevant examples are provided.
answers the prompt, or answer is incomplete.
• E- Attempts to explain examples
• s - Attempts to sum up response with a concluding statement
The response achieves the following:
• R-Does not restate the question
• A - Is not answered or the answer has nothing to do with the question.
• C- Provides no examples
• E- Does not attempt to support the answer
• S. Does not sum up the response with
a concluding statement
+15 pts.
+10 pts.
Constructed Response:
Compare and contrast the three Major Religions of Southwest Asia: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. (Write one
paragraph on how they are similar and one paragraph on their differences. Think about things like their holy texts,
their leaders, their beliefs, and where they started.)