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Based on the dialogue of mrs.mitty presented in the last paragraph to her husband, what can the reader conclude?

sh displays a concern on his metal health.
she does note care about his mental health.
se is mocking him.
she showd sign lf empathy

1 Answer

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While You Read

1. Pg 129 Reading Check: Why is Mrs. Mitty upset?

Mrs. Mitty is upset because she thinks Mitty is driving too fast.

2. Pg 130 Literary Analysis, Character: How does this shift/change in scenes show that Walter Mitty is a round character?

The shift/change in scenes shows that Walter Mitty is a round character by revealing that Mitty is able to shift back and forth between his real-world personality and his day dream characters. This shows that he is a round character because there is more than one aspect to his personality.

3. Pg 131 Reading Check: Why does Mitty say that next time he will wear his arm in a sling?

Mitty says that next time he will wear his arm in a sling because he thinks that if he has his arm in a sling, the garage man will not expect him to be able to take off the car chains without help, and he will not feel embarrassed that he needs help.

4. Pg 133 Sprial Review, Theme: What insight into daily life is suggested by the contrast (difference shown) between Mitty’s daydreams and his reality (real life)?

The insight into daily life suggest by the contrast between Mitty’s daydreams and his reality is that the contrast between Mitty’s successful, powerful, dynamic fantasy life and his unfulfilling, ineffective, bland real life suggests the theme that dreams offer people an escape from the mundane and, sometimes, disappointing reality of daily life.

5. Pg 133 Reading Check: What triggers/causes Mitty’s daydream about being a military Captain?

Mitty’s daydream about being a military captain is triggered when he picks up a copy of Liberty magazine and reads an article called “Can Germany Conquer the World Through the Air?”

6. Pg 134 Literary Analysis, Character: How do Walter Mitty’s responses in this paragraph indicate that he is a complex character?

Mitty’s responses in this paragraph, like “Things close in” indicate that he is a complex character by revealing how his emotions are deeply affected by his dull oppressive life. “Does it ever occur to you…?” reveals a hidden inner life and shows his rebellious side. These qualities make him a round character.

After You Read:

7. What distraction gets Mitty out of his first daydream?

The distraction that gets Mitty out of his first daydream is when his wife tells him that he is driving too fast.

8. Explain how Mitty’s first day dream is different from his behavior in real life.

Mitty’s first day dream is different from his behavior in real life because in his daydream he is a bold leader, but in real life he is meek and weak.

9. In the “real world,” what tasks/work/jobs are Mitty and his wife carrying out/doing?

In the “real world”, Mitty and his wife are going to the hair dresser, buying overshoes, and picking up dog food.

10. Infer: What deeds is Mitty trying to accomplish in his fantasy life?

The deeds Mitty is trying to accomplish in his fantasy life are landing a plane, doing surgery, testifying in court, fighting in a war, and facing a firing squad.

11. How do the tasks in Mitty’s regular/daily life compare to those in his fantasy life?

The tasks in Mitty’s regular life are dull and boring, just running errands, but the tasks in his fantasy life are exciting, often saving people.

12. Infer: Which aspects/parts of Mitty’s personality trigger his final daydream?

The aspects of Mitty’s personality that trigger his final daydream are his low self-esteem, and his weariness at being patronized by his wife.

13. Draw Conclusion/infer: In what ways is his final daydream a comment on his fate in real life? Explain.

Mitty’s final daydream about being before a firing squad is a comment on his fate in real life because Mitty has stood-up to his wife, and he may be anticipating what will happen to him when they get home, she might really yell at him, etc...

14. Evaluate/infer: Do Mitty’s daydreams help him in any way or do they hurt him? Identify 3 details from the story to support your answer.

Mitty’s daydreams help him survive a humdrum/boring life. For example, his daydreams give him confidence to interact effectively with the store clerk, entertain him while he is waiting for Mrs. Mitty, and help him stand up to Mrs. Mitty.

15. Infer and Explain: Does Walter Mitty rely on daydreams to change the truth of his everyday life?

Mitty does seem to rely on daydreams to change the truth of his everyday life. He uses his daydreams to replace his humdrum everyday life with exciting, heroic truths of his “character” lives. The excitement of his daydreams then creeps into his real-life interactions and goals.

hope this helps..

User Orr Matarasso
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