When new technology is spread from country to country (mainly military tech) it create a sort of arms race in which these countries build their militaries and countries to the standards of the tech to be more powerful than other countries. This also has a negative impact on third world countries where wealthy Europeans use these new technology and ideas to conquer the less developed country. An example of this is the race for Africa right after the industrial revolution. The Europeans had quinine medicine, the maxim machine gun, and steam boats in which they used to take the lands in Africa. As seen with Leopold II he forced these Africans who didn’t have this tech to work for him and if they didn’t he cut their hands off. Another negative is that the spread of Ideas spreads conflict with these ideas which causes more violence and uprising. Example is the French Revolution, where when the idea of the Enlightenment spread the people of France noticed that their king was absolute so they killed him. They also did many other violent things like the bastille in 1789. Of course I am leaving out many details but I’m only talking about technology and ideas.