This seems like a creative writing prompt so I'll just explain it to you in order for you to add your own flare.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Escape is the title of the prompt, based on that title you should answer the questions written in either the perspective of the Zebra in the image or someone who is observing it. Based on speculation and imagination you have to answer, how did this Zebra end up in the situation that the image is portraying and what will happen after.
I would say something like this when considering the Zebra's perspective.
"I was at the watering hole until an unknowing cheetah came to eat me. I had a family to protect so I distracted the cheetah to follow me and the next thing I found out, I was hanging here. etc"
Of course, you would have to write more sentences in more detail, and if you were to do it from a different perspective you would have to change the pronouns and information, but this is a good start to adding context to the image.