Learning Task 4:
Identify the missing words to complete the analogies.
Bird Ely
Fish : Swim
Ant : six legs
Spido. Eignt legs
Zebra - Mammals
snake: Reptile
Milk: Cereal
Bread: sandwich
Water Liquid
Rock : Solid
Permit Allow
Prohibit: arbid
Astronomeri Telescope
Doctor: stethos ope
Clock Time:
Thermometer : Temperature
Team players:
philippines: Asia
Italy Europe
whed Bike
Anchor: ship
Gigantic: huge
Red: apple
Violet : Reckless. Grapes
Careful: Reckless
Violata : Imprisonment
To be blessed
Faith: To be:?
courage. Brovery
wisdom :Ignorance
Optimism : Pessimism
Rain Flood
War :?
Manila, Philippines
Beijing: China
small : Tiny