A man with a bachelor's degree would earn an additional $25,785 per year, or a total of $1,031,400 over a 40-year career.
Assuming the difference in the table remains constant over a 40-year career, a man with a bachelor's degree would earn $1,031,400 more than a man with a high school education.
Level of Education Median Annual Earnings
High School Only $40,460
Associate's Degree Only $50,792
Bachelor's Degree Only $66,245
Professional Degree $119,119
Over a 40-year career, a man with a bachelor's degree would earn an average of $66,245 per year, while a man with a high school education would earn an average of $40,460 per year. This means that a man with a bachelor's degree would earn an additional $25,785 per year, or a total of $1,031,400 over a 40-year career.