Anja: Jasmine! Did you ever get a chance to call the florists about the color scheme?
Me: Yes! The lady on the phone said they did not have White roses available, but that chrysanthemums would be a suitable replacement
Anja: You know how important it is to Emilia that there are white roses! This simply won't do at all
Me: I tried to explain why we needed white roses specifically but there was nothing the woman could do! She said that they had just sold their last shipment and the next shipment wasn't coming for another week!
Anja: Well I am not going to be the bad guy! You are going to have to break the news to Emilia
Me: Oh just great. Another reason for Emilia to dislike me ! First it was the silverware now its the roses...what next? The dress?!
Anja: Well its in your hands now. There are five days until rehearsals and everything must be in perfect order.
Me: Alright. Why don't we sit down and go over the to-do list
Anja: good idea
----------------------- new scene ------------------
Me: contant the florist. check. find affordable caterer. check. send in alterations for Emilia's dress. check. All that is left to do is decorate the reception area and hire a photographer.
Anja: I hope there is a wedding photographer available with such short time notice
me: worst case scenario we can just buy disposable cameras and have the guests take their own photos.
Anja: I do hope you are joking
Me: I'm serious. could be fun. And it is cheaper
Anja: Okay I am going to pretend you never said that.
Step-by-step explanation: