Probably all 3. Consider:
In order to believe, you must consider the source of that belief, and decide that the source is worth listening to. That's an ethos argument
The belief itself must usually be logical in nature. You will note that most religious beliefs have some sort of internal logic, ie God knows what's best for his creation, therefore when he says don't kill it's in your best interest to follow through. That's not to say that outside sources will see or recognize the logic, just that it usually must be there for a person to invest in the belief. That's a Logos argument.
Often a religion is chosen based on the feelings surrounding it. Some folks chose the religion of their parents because it feels comfortable, others choose based an a feeling they have, or an experience that convinced them a particular deity is real. There's the Pathos argument.
It is very likely that at least 2, if not all 3 are necessary for a person to adopt a particular belief, religious or not.
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