A rate is a comparison, or ratio, of two quantities with different units. For example, a store sells
3 T-shirts for $15. The comparison $15 to 3 T-shirts is a rate. This rate can also be written as $15 _______
3 T-shirts.
When a rate compares a quantity to one unit of another quantity, the rate is a unit rate.
The rate $15 _______
3 T-shirts is not a unit rate because the rate compares the cost to more than one T-shirt. In a unit
rate, the second quantity (or denominator) should be 1 unit.
A speed limit is a unit rate. For example, the speed limit of 55 miles per hour compares the distance to
1 hour. A speed of 55 miles per hour is equivalent to traveling 55 miles in each 1-hour time span. This rate can also be written as 55 miles/1 hour