The jury of colonists found six of the soldiers not guilty and two of the soldiers guilty of manslaughter instead of
murder. The sentence for these two soldiers was that they be branded on their thumbs.
The Boston Massacre
1. This whole situation started because:
A. It was a cold, hard winter.
B. There was a shortage of workers.
C. Parliament passed a law making colonists house soldiers.
D. The colonists didn't like lobster.
2. What effect did the law passed by Parliament have on the colonists?
A. They refused to house the soldiers,
B. They threw things at the soldiers.
C. They called the soldiers names.
D. All of the above.
the colonies?
3. What conclusion can you draw about how the British soldiers felt about being
A. They thought this was a good opportunity to fight.
B. They liked to travel.
C. They were making good money so they were happy.
D. They would rather have been back at home.
4. How many colonists were killed in this fight?