Henry will buy 18 gift bags and 18 bows in 3 packs of gift bags and 2 packs of bows.
Least Common Multiple (LCM)
Is the smallest positive number that is a multiple of two or more numbers. To find the least common multiple of two numbers is to first list the prime factors of each number. Then multiply each factor the greatest number of times it occurs in either number.
Since Henry wants to buy the same number of gift bags and bows and they are sold in packs with different quantities, we must find the LCM between those numbers.
Gift bags are sold in packs of 6. Bows are sold in packs of 9.
List the prime factors of 6: 2,3
List the prime factors of 9: 3,3
Multiply: 2*3*3=18
The LCM is 18. This means Henry will buy 18 gift bags and 18 bows in 3 packs of gift bags and 2 packs of bows.