Elements: C, H, O, N, and some S
Monomer: amino acids
Functions: catalyzing chemical reactions, synthesizing and repairing DNA, structural support, transporting materials across the cell
Examples: hemoglobin, actin and myosin, albumin, keratin
Elements: C, H, O
Monomer: monosaccharides
Functions: cellular identity, source of energy, storage of energy, structural support, cell signaling, make ATP, convert solar energy
Examples: glucose, starch, glycogen, peptidoglycan, cellulose, chitin
Nucleic Acids
Elements: C, H, O, N, P
Monomer: nucleotides
Functions: storage and expression of genetic information, transmission of genetic code required for making proteins
Examples: DNA, RNA
Elements: C, H, O, and some P and N
Monomer: fatty acids
Functions: energy storage, cell structure, insulation and protection, regulating and signaling, digestion
Examples: steroids (cholesterol), waxes, fats and oils, phospholipids
Hope that helps.