The ten errors are the one with (*):
One reason for this anxiety is that students are rarely taught to evaluate *their* own work. They have no criterion for *evaluating* their own performance. Instead, they *fell* prey to the whims of chance good or bad marks just happen or depend on luck such as what lecturer they have or *reflect* their level of natural cleverness. This can leave students falling disempowered or *drifted* even if their marks are good. Students can feel very vulnerable and may worry about *suddenly* being exposed as stupid. *Anxiety* may create a vicious cycle such students can not settle down to study can not focus attention can not take *in* what they read or can not remember *what* they learnt and this reinforces their suspicion that really they *lack* intelligence. This is very common so it is important to look on what we mean by intelligence.
Step-by-step explanation:
1.- Them should be changed for their going from the object pronoun to the possessive adjective.
2.- evaluations changes for evaluating going from the noun to the verb
3.- felt changes to fell felt is for emotions and felt is to become the prey.
4.- The word reflect can be deleted to present two noun phrases as options.
5.- drift changes to drifted to keep cohesion with the previous adjective in the sentence
6.- sudden changes to suddenly going from the adjective to the adverb.
7.- Anxious goes to anxiety from the adjective to the noun.
8.- on goes to in, the use of a different particle gives the idea of absorption of knowledge.
9.- which goes to what to keep a cohesive structure with the previous sentences
10.- lacks goes to lack since it is not a third person and it has to be conjugated differently.