Developing Business Writing Techniques
Improving messages by using mechanical emphasis, parallelism, voice, and well-placed descriptions:
1. Devices:
Stylistic devices—used sparingly—can be an effective way to emphasize explanatory information.
2. Stylistic devices used to achieve emphasis:
a. Position important ideas first or last in a sentence.
b. Use vivid words.
3. De-emphasize bad news
4. When to use the Passive Voice:
To emphasize an action instead of the recipient of an action
To conceal the doer of an action
5. Passive
6. Sentence with better parallel structure:
If you write well, speak well, and use good interpersonal skills, you will do well in this corporation.
7. Best Revision:
Flipping through the report, Teagan saw the recommendations.
8. Not emphasizing important ideas
9. Congratulations! We would like to offer you the position of senior analyst.
Step-by-step explanation:
Stylistic devices help writers to achieve emphasis and readers to achieve understanding of the message being communicated. While they should be used economically, their presence in any writing acts as an effective way to improve messages.