Do you think a Democrat or a Republican would most likely agree with each statement? Write D if you think a Democrat would agree and write the letter R if you think a Republican would agree. Write B if you think both parties would agree.
1____ Raise taxes
2____ Let schools decide what food to serve to their students
3____ Lower taxes
4____ Freedom of speech
5____ Government should create jobs when the economy needs help
6____ Supports big corporations
7____ Supports government making decisions on behalf of the people
8 ____ Start government funded after school-tutoring sessions
9____ The money you earn should be saved rather than donated
10____ Government funded college
11____ Large military in times of peace
12____ No government funded healthcare system
13____ States and religious facilities provide services to help needy people
14 ____ Federal government creates programs to help needy people
15____ The right to bear arms without regulations or very limited regulations