Athens Location
Attica in Greece
Sparta Location
In Laconia
Athens Government
Athens' government is a democracy, which means citizens have the power.
Sparta Government
Sparta's government was an Oligarchy, which means it was in the hands of a few.
Athens Economy
Athenians liked to trade. They used coins (which made trading easy).
Sparta Economy
Spartans stole and conquered. They farmed. They used heavy iron bars for money (which made trade difficult).
Athens Education
The purpose was to train good citizens.
Athenian boys learned reading, writing, math, poetry, sports and music.
Sparta Education
The purpose was to train good warriors.
Spartan boys and girls were taught to fight at age six or seven.
Athens Treatment of Women
Women in Athens could NOT chose their husbands, couldn't socialize, couldn't own their own property and couldn't go out alone. They managed households and raised girls to cook and clean.
Sparta Treatment of Women
Women in Sparta lived a simple life, like men. They could own their own property and were expected to be strong and able to fight and defend themselves.
Athens Military
Athens Only men served the military
Sparta Military
Sparta People were constant military drilling and discipline made them skilled at the ancient.