1⁄4 cup = 1⁄2 stick = 4 tablespoons = 2 oz. = 57g
1⁄2 cup = 1 stick = 8 tablespoons = 4 oz. (1⁄4 pound) = 113g
3⁄4 cup = 11⁄2 sticks = 12 tablespoons = 6 oz. = 170g
1 cup = 2 sticks = 16 tablespoons = 8 oz. (1⁄2 pound) = 227g
11⁄4 cups = 21⁄2 sticks = 20 tablespoons = 10 oz. = 284g
11⁄2 cups = 3 sticks = 24 tablespoons = 12 oz. (3⁄4 pound) = 341g
13⁄4 cups = 31⁄2 sticks = 28 tablespoons =14 oz. = 398g
2 cups = 4 sticks = 32 tablespoons = 16 oz. (1 pound) = 454g
The wrapping on each stick indicates tablespoon measures (8 tablespoons per stick). So if you are using cup measures you could pack the butter into a measuring cup or below is a ready reckoner which may help if you have scales. 1 stick butter = 8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup = 4 ounces/110g.
Common measurements:
1 kilogram = 2.2lbs
454 grams = 1lb = 16 oz
28.35 grams = 1 oz
1 tbsp = 15 ml
1 tsp = 5ml
1 tbsp = 3 tsp
4 tbsp = 1/4 cup
1 cup = 250ml = 8 fluid oz
1 fluid oz = 29.5 ml = 2 tbsp
1 pint = 2 cups
You could see that 4 tablespoons = 1/4, so you could pour and melt it in a measuring cup.