Red blood cell (or erythrocyte): carries oxygen, bound to hemoglobin, to deliver to the tissues. This is an anucleate cell type.
Platelet (or thrombocyte): important in the process of blood clotting. Generated from the megakaryocyte.
Neutrophil: short-lived, phagocytic cell that is quick to respond to pathogen infection. Most abundant of the leukocytes.
Lymphocyte: used in the immune response, as either B- or T-cells.
Monocyte: wandering blood cell. Largest of the leukocytes.
Eosinophil: phagocytic cell that engulfs antibody-covered pathogens; an acidic granulocyte with bi-lobed nucleus.
Basophil: releases histamine and heparin. Least abundant leukocyte.