LiF , LiBr, Li20, Li2S, Li3N, Li3P, LiI
NaF, NaBr, Na2O, Na2S, Na3N, Na3P, NaI
KF, KBr, K2O, K2S, K3N, K3P, KI
BeF2, BeBr2, BeO, BeS, Be3N2, Be3P3, BeI2
MgF2, MgBr2, MgO, MgS, Mg3N2, Mg3P2, MgI2
CaF2, CaBr2, CaO, CaS, Ca3N2, Ca3P2, CaI2
Hope this helps! Make sure that the numbers are written small at the bottom of the letter cause it wasnt possible to do that here.