Humor improves productivity. “In one study of more than 2,500 employees, 81 percent said they believe a fun working environment would make them more productive.”
Humor reduces stress. “People with a sense of humor report less stress and anxiety than those with a low sense of humor, despite experiencing the same number of problems at work.”
Humor prevents burnout. “Humor has also been identified as a communication tool that, when used effectively, can prevent burnout and create a resilience to stress.
Humor provides motivation. “The use of humor in organizations has been associated with improving morale among workers, creating a more positive organizational culture, … and increasing motivation.”
Humor increases size of paycheck. “The size of their bonuses correlated positively with their use of humor – ‘In other words, the funnier the executives were, the bigger the bonuses.'”
Humor boosts overall brainpower. “A dose of humor releases the chemical serotonin in your brain, which improves focus, increases objectivity and improves overall brainpower.”
Humor improves decision-making. “Positive moods prompt more flexible decision-making and wider search behavior and greater analytic precision.”
Humor increases the acceptance of new ideas. “Unconventional interactions can lower the barrier for people to posit novel things.”
Humor triggers new connections. ““Humor in the design and problem solving classroom can promote divergent thinking.”
Humor enhances ones ability to solve problems. “Studies have shown that simply watching comedy films can improve creative problem solving skills.”
Humor gets people to listen. “Consistent use of appropriate humor makes people want to read and hear what you say.
Humor improves memory retention. “Instructional messages that gain students’ attention and help them make sense of course content (clarity behaviors) enhance students’ ability to process the content resulting in greater retention and learning.”
Humor boosts persuasion. “Humor can be highly persuasive when presenting a message that people disagree with because the humor distracts them from immediately creating counter arguments, in part because they don’t feel like the message is being crammed down their throats.
Humor assists in learning. “The use of humor as a pedagogical tool has been shown to reduce classroom anxiety, create a more positive atmosphere, as well as facilitate the learning process.”
Humor increases likability. “Innocent humor increases like ability and interpersonal attraction.
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