1. Animals.
2. Plants.
3. Fungi
4. Protists.
5. Monerans.
6. Kingdom.
7. Botany.
8. Reproductive parts.
9. Vegetative parts.
10. Epidermis.
1. Insects, birds: Animals. All insects and birds are living organisms generally referred to as animals.
2. Moss, trees: Plants. Moss and trees are living organisms generally referred to as plants.
3. Yeast, molds: Fungi. They belong to a kingdom of multi-cellular eukaryotic organisms which can't make or produce their own food (heterotrophs).
4. Protozoa, red algae: Protists. They belong to a kingdom of single-celled (unicellular) eukaryotic microscopic organisms.
5. Bacteria, blue-green algae: Monerans. They belong to a kingdom of single-celled (unicellular) prokaryotic organisms without a nuclear cell membrane.
6. Five main groups of all living things: Kingdom. These are namely Kingdom Animalia, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Monera and Kingdom Protista
7. The study of plants: Botany.
8. Flowers, fruits, and seeds: Reproductive parts.
9. Roots, stems, and leaves: Vegetative parts.
10. Provides plant cover on leaves and roots: Epidermis.