- petulant
- recalcitrant
- recreant
- impudent
- indifferent
- intolerant
- hesitant
- somnolent
chastisement punishment
complement something that completes or makes perfect
confident feeling very sure about something
covenant a formal, solemn, and binding agreement; contract
elegant of good quality; select
eminent conspicuous; prominent; famous
entanglement the state of being involved in a twisted or complicated issue
hesitant uncertain; wavering
imminent ready to take place
impudent offensively bold; arrogantly insensitive to others; marked by casual disrespect
indifferent showing little concern or care about something
intolerant refusing to accept or put up with something
pertinent relevant; highly significant
petulant unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; insolent or rude in speech or behavior
recalcitrant obstinately defiant of authority or restraint
recreant cowardly; unfaithful to duty
reliant dependent
resilient capable of withstanding shock; recovering easily
significant important
somnolent inducing sleep; inclined to sleep
subservient in a subordinate position
supplement something which completes or adds to something
transplant to move something from one place to another
variant something which changes or varies from the norm
vigilant diligently watchful