Follows are the solution to this question:
Step-by-step explanation:
In point a:
N = Size of window = 4
Sequence Number Set = 1,024
Case No. 1:
Presume the receiver is k, and all k-1 packets were known. A window for the sender would be within the range of [k, k+N-1] Numbers in order
Case No. 2:
If the sender's window occurs within the set of sequence numbers [k-N, k-1]. The sender's window would be in the context of the sequence numbers [k-N, k-1]. Consequently, its potential sets of sequence numbers within the transmitter window are in the range [k-N: k] at time t.
In point b:
In the area for an acknowledgment (ACK) would be [k-N, k-1], in which the sender sent less ACK to all k-N packets than the n-N-1 ACK. Therefore, in all communications, both possible values of the ACK field currently vary between k-N-1 and k-1.