Answer and Explanation:
A car's value will depreciate after six years of hard use - True: Cars that have been used extensively have worn parts, which may even have been changed frequently. In addition, after 6 years of intense use, the car does not have the same quality it did when it left the store.
Only a discreet person should be trusted with a secret - True: Discreet people tend to be more reserved and quiet, which means that they will probably not have any kind of anxiety and willingness to spread a secret to anyone else. , these people know that spreading a secret is something that draws a lot of attention, which is exactly what discreet people do not want.
If a person faltered, he or she is likely confident - False: Falahs take away people's confidence, because they represent a failure and failures always undermine the faith and certainty that a person has in himself and his abilities.
A person who practices prudence spends a lot of money - False: Prudent people are very controlled and do not usually show excesses in anything they do, because they know that these excesses cause very great losses.
A waterfall can be described as a cascade - true: a waterfall is a large amount of water that falls vertically into rocks, through sloping and uneven terrain, just like a waterfall.