The Following are the method definition to this question:
def notBad(s):#defining a method notBad that take s variable as parameter
if 'not' not in s or 'bad' not in s: # defining If block that checks "not or bad" is not in the string
return s#return string value
n= s.index('not')#defining n variable that store index value of not
b= s.index('bad')#defining b variable that store index value of bad
if n<b:#defining if block that compare n and b value
return s[:n]+'good'+s[b+3:]#use slicling for remove value and add another value
print(notBad('This dinner is not that bad!'))#call method and print value
print(notBad('This movie is not that bad!'))#call method and print value
print(notBad('This dinner bad!'))#call method and print value
This dinner is good!
This movie is good!
This dinner bad!
In the above given, method definition a method "notBad" is defined that takes variable "s" as a parameter, which is used for input the string value.
In the next step, an if block, is defined, that checks in string value "not or bad" are not available in the input string. if the condition is true, it will return, that string value.
In the next line "n and b" variable has defined, that store "not and bad" index value, and use if block that the come to its value and use slicing to re remove its value.