media content is shaped by economic and marketing considerations that override traditional journalistic criteria for news worthiness. This trend is apparent in local and national television's treatment of crime, in which the extent and style of news stories about crime are adjusted to meet perceived and advertising strategies, which frequently emphasize particular demographic groups with a taste for violence. In the case of local television news, this trend results in virtually all channels devoting a disproportionate part of their broadcast to violent crimes, and to many channels adopting a fast-paced, high-crime strategy based on an entertainment model. In the case of network news, this strategy results in much greater coverage of crime,especially murder, with a heavy emphasis on long-running, tabloid style treatment of selected cases in both evening news and news magazines. researchers concluded that the media portrayals of the justice system had changed over the century (1890-1990). They also drew the conclusion that the mass media serves as gatekeepers for coverage on the corrections process through the news as well as prime-time TV shows, which blur the line of fiction and reality.
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