Trade, Westerlies, Polar is the right order of the prevailing winds from the Equator toward the North Pole.
Step-by-step explanation:
A is not correct because the polar winds are not the closest to the Equator.
B is not correct because all of the three prevailing wind patterns are not in their place.
C is correct because the Trade winds dominate the Equatorial region, the Westerlies dominate the mid-latitudes, and the Polar ones dominate the North Pole and its surroundings.
D is not correct because the Polar winds and Westerlies have their places switched.
Cold, High Pressure Air + Hot, Low Pressure Air = Storms
Step-by-step explanation:
A is not correct because hot temperatures occur when the air is hot and the air pressure low.
B is not correct because cold temperatures occur when the air is cold and the air pressure is high.
C is correct because when these two collide we have the occurrence of very strong winds, condensation of a huge amount of water, or in other words storms.
D is not correct despite the occurrence of wind, as there are other things that happen as well.