Final answer:
The population of interest is the 216 accounting alumni who returned the questionnaire. The variables measured are a combination of quantitative and qualitative data. The researcher made an inference that Machiavellian behavior is not required for success in accounting. Nonresponses could introduce bias.
Step-by-step explanation:
a. The population of interest to the researcher is the 216 accounting alumni who returned the questionnaire.
b. The quantitative variables are gender, level of education, job satisfaction score, and Machiavellian rating. The qualitative variables are age and income.
c. The sample is the 216 accounting alumni who returned the questionnaire.
d. The data-collection method used is a survey.
e. The inference made by the researcher is that Machiavellian behavior is not required to achieve success in the accounting profession.
f. The nonresponses may bias the results if the nonrespondents are more Machiavellian in nature.