Some pros that invasive species can cause are how birds and other animals would have food during the winter when invasive plants don’t die. Next, invasive species can fill in degraded ecosystems and help restore native biodiversity in an inexpensive and self-organized way that requires no human intervention. Lastly, many invasive species can cause a new food which can become popular and people will eat.
Some cons of having invasive species include capable of causing extinction to native species. Also, taking away possible food or eating eggs from native plants and animals. Lastly, invasive species can take away all sorts of habitats in all different ecosystems.
People that might care about this situation includes any normal citizens and biologists. This is true because they both have a big say in changing other peoples thoughts and can notice their surroundings. If everyone cared about this problem many invasive issues would go away and many places would have their native species back in order to save them from extinction.