1. Which word provides a clue to the meaning of kabinetts?
2. Which consecutive letters does apfel share with its English cognate?
a, p, e, l
3. Which phrase provides a clue to the meaning of fieber?
4. What is the English cognate for fieber?
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Searching shows he was looking for something. He was in the kitchen. When you are looking in the kitchen for something you might want to look in the cabinets.
2. He is looking for food and what food sounds like apfel? The answer is apple. What letters do they have in common? a, p, e, l.
3. Forehead signifies he might be feeling to see if it's warm because he may not be feeling well. Which leads me to the next question.
4. It's fever because, if you look at the explanation for 3 he touched his forehead and after that, he says, "I think I have a fieber. I'm going to bed." This shows he was either tired or sick. Since he touched his forehead, he was probably sick with a fever.