The chemical equivalent of copper and zinc are 32 and 108 respectively. When copper and silver volta...
Asilver and a copper voltameter are connected in parallel across a 6 V battery of neglible internal ...
A Piece of brass (alloy of zinc and copper) weighs 12.9 g in air. When completely immersed in water ...
The coefficient of apparent expansion of a liquid in a copper vessel is C and in a silver vessel S. ...
A silver and zinc voltameter are connected in series and a current i is passed through them for a ti...
The atomic weight of silver and copper are 108 and 64. A silver voltameter and a copper voltameter a...
Calculate the number of electrons in a small, electrically neutral silver pin that has a mass of `10...
A silver and a copper voltameter are connected in series with a 12.0 V battery of negligible interna...
A silver and copper voltameter are connected in parallel to a 12V battery of negligible resistance ....
A silver and copper voltameter are connected in series with 12 V battery of negligible resistance .I...
The coefficient of apparent expansion of a liquid is C when heated in a copper vessel and is S w...
A block of wood weight 4kg and has a relative density of 0.6 it is to be loaded with lead so that ...
For what time must a currect of 2.5 Apass throgh zinc sulphate solution to de- posit 2 g of zinc EC...
A silver and a copper voltameter are connected in series with a 12.0V battery of negligible resis...
Calculate the currect required to deposit 1 g copper in 30 minutes in a voltmeter contaning cupric s...
One ampere current flows for one minute through a silver voltameter. It deposits 0.067 g of silver o...
A bimetallic strip of thickness 2cm consists of zinc and silver rivetted together. The approximat...
A current of 5A is passed fir 5hours through three voltameters arranged in series, containing soluti...
Silver and copper voltmeters are connected in parallel with a battery of emf 12V. In 30 minutes,...
The constants aandb for the pair silver-lead are 2.50μV∘C−1and0.012μV∘C−2 resp...