The vivid description of characters and the society of medieval period will help the historians to better understand the Middle Ages.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Canterbury Tales is a collection of twenty-four tales written by Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer has presented a vivid picture of a medieval society by describing the characters and the society.
The twenty-nine characters picturized by Chaucer in the Tales are the mirrror images of those people from different walks of the medieval society. The period was a period of transition when modernity met with the middle society. This transition is depicted in the characterization of the Squire, who represented new chivalry code in oppose to his father's chivalric code of 'a very gentle knight.' The Squire, opposite to this was, 'a lad of fire'. The Knight's dress presents that he came dirrectly from a war 'He wore a fustian tunic stanied and dark' whereas the Squire's dress was 'Embroidered was he as it were a mead/All full of fresh flowers, white and red.' The Wife of Bath is another representation of this transition as during the Middle Ages position of woman changed in terms of roles and ownership.