The following are the solution to this question:
Step-by-step explanation:
In the given question multiple questions have been asked about, that is defined as follows:
#include<iostream>//defining header file
using namespace std;
int main()//defining main method
double x1;//defining double variable
cout<<"enter value: ";//print message
cin>>x1;//input value from the user-end
if(x1>0 && x1<=1)//use boolean operators
cout<<"x is between zero and one";//print message
return 0;
enter value: 1
x is between zero and one
public class Main//defining a class main
public static void main(String[] args) //defining main method
boolean AA = true; //defining boolean variable
boolean BB = false;//defining boolean variable
boolean CC = true; //defining boolean variable
if ((AA && BB) || (AA && CC)) //defining if block to check value
System.out.println("True");//print message
if ((AA || !BB) && (!AA || CC))//defining if block to check value
System.out.println("True");//print message
#include <stdio.h>//defining header file
int main()//defining main method
int x;
printf("Enter a value: ");
scanf("%d", &x);
if (x%2==0)// check number
printf("Even number");//print message
printf("Odd Number");//print message
return 0;
Enter a value: 22
Even number
The answer is "Option C".
In the first question, a double variable "x1" is defined that inputs the value from the user end and use the boolean operators to check the value and print its value.
In question 5, three boolean variables "AA, BB, and CC" are defined that hold boolean value and use if block to check the given value.
In question 6, an integer variable has defined, that input the value and use if block to check even or odd number and print its value.
In question 7, option c is correct.