Chapter 1 Math Review----the test will look very similar to these questions. Make sure
you know how to do them or ask for help (your parents or teacher).
a.) Identity Property of Addition
c.) Identity Property of Multiplication
e.)Commutative Property of Addition
b.)Commutative Property of Multiplication
d.)Associative Property of Multiplication
f.)Associative Property of Addition
Write the letter next to each equation to show which property is being represented
1. 81 x 6 = 6 x 81
2. 18+ (5 + 7) = (18 + 5) + 7
3. 1 x 4= 4
4. 12 x (6 x 4) = (12 x 6 x 4
5. 0 + 18 = 18
6. 22 + 4 + 189 = 4 + 22 +189