Leah has 5 meters of ribbon left.
Operations with fractions
Fractions can be defined as the quotient of two integer numbers. There are three types of fractions:
* Proper fractions: When the numerator is less than the denominator. Example: 2/5
* Improper fractions: When the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator. Examples: 7/5, 13/13
* Mixed fractions: They are given as an integer followed by a proper fraction. Example:
Leah has a 15-meter long ribbon and is creating satin bows for weddings. She takes two pieces out of it. The total length of ribbon taken is the sum of both fractions:
Total cut:
To add these fractions, we add the integer parts and apart from the proper fractions:
Now we can calculate the remaining length of ribbon:
Remaining riboon= 15 m - 10 m = 5 m
Leah has 5 meters of ribbon left.