Winter, Day 3
Water’s about gone, food is still dry, and winter air is cold. The trail was looking clearer then usually that day so I had decide to ride longer on the covered wagon than I usually do. When I got to a nice clearing to look for shelter and a place to rest the horses, I saw a cave. When I made it halfway into the cave as I was making sure no one was home, there flowed some sparkling, clear, wonderful looking water. I got out my canteen and filled it up until it was overflowing. I then motioned the horses to come and they drank and so did I. I never knew water could taste this good.
Spring, Day 95
It had gotten a lot warmer from when we had left that cave, which by now was probably miles and miles away. Flowers had started to bloom because it was so warm and lots of animals could be seen now. I was able to hunt more animals which provided me lots of food like steak, pork, etc. The water was not frozen/ice anymore. I was able to solve my food and water problem.
Summer, Day 183
Almost to my destination, I am excited to arrive. We had to take a small break because the horses were exhausted and very hungry. When we got back on the ride and after a few miles, I smelt the smoke from a fireplace and I knew.....that I was very very close to seeing my mother and father. I hadn't seen them in a long time because of traveling so much.