>French fries origionated in Belgium believe it or not (you can thank two years of taking french for this slice of knowledge) I do like french fries how they are made here
>Burgers were made in Germany,then popularized in the US and changed. I like burgers,im not a big beef fan though.
>Chickenhiken nuggets arent too far from home for me,they were created in NY and popularized globally in many fast food chains. Go chicken nuggie -w-
>Steak-It has both Norse and Italian roots,The "State of Steak" is Argentina though much of the roots of steak is traced back to large gatherings in the city of Florence Id want to try steak IN italy big italy fan,im very italian (im a loud mouth,yes)
> Pizza Originated In Naples Italy, now americanized (ITALIAN PIZZAS BETTER THAN PIZZA FROM US)
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