Answer: hey man im happy i can try to help well my first thing to do would be take some time to research abt what it does for kids stress levels..... also how different kids learn in differnt ways
i would have a intro that goes something like this..
did you know feild trips are a great ways for kids to get out and learn. they help relive stress for kids and help kids that cant learn with just a book and some paper. I dont belive felid trips are a distraction and we should keep using them for educational pourposes.
You can also go the other way with the negitives
you could use how much stress it puts on teachers and parents that have to Chaperone. Also you can put how kids get distracted and wont end up learning and you could say how costly they are.
a intro would go something like this
I dont belive that feildtrips have any educational value let me tell you why firstly they put alot of stress on the teachers and parents. secondly they are super costly. Lastly the kids dont usally reatin the information because of how distracted they are.
I hope this helps
Step-by-step explanation: