Answer:C. Consumer price index
Step-by-step explanation:
\\A. demand for goods
\\B. supply of goods
\\OC. consumer price index
\\D. money supply in the economy
C. consumer price index
Step-by-step explanation:
Inflation is the general increase in prices in a country in a period. In the US, inflation is measured using the consumer price index, CPI. The CPI is a measure of the weighted average price of selected goods and services that represent the general consumption in the economy. The weighted average price at a particular time is compared to the weighted average price at the beginning of the period.
The weighted average price for the basket is compared to the previous period to determine the rate at which prices are increasing. \u00a0A high rate of price increment signifies a high rate of inflation. The Government sets a target rate of inflation for the economy. It employs fiscal and monetary policies to keep inflation within acceptable levels.","mark":0,"marksCount":0,"thanks":1,"userBestRankId":6,"source":"10","clientType":"5","best":false,"settings":{"canMarkAsBest":false,"canEdit":false,"isToCorrect":false,"canMarkAbuse":true,"isMarkedAbuse":false,"canModerate":false,"isDeleted":false,"canComment":false,"isConfirmed":false,"isExcellent":false},"attachments":[],"approved":{"date":null,"approver":null},"comments":{"items":[],"lastId":0,"count":0}}],"can_comment":false,"attachments":[],"is_deleted":false,"comments":{"items":[],"lastId":0,"count":0},"canMarkAbuse":true,"isMarkedAbuse":false,"canFollow":false,"canUnfollow":false,"isFollowing":false,"pointsForResponse":5,"pointsForBest":3,"approvedAnswersCount":0,"isAnswerButton":true,"canEdit":false,"tickets":[]}" data-quality-tier="3" data-question-id="15009606" aria-label="Question">
BusinessMiddle School
+5 pts
In the United States, which assessment system measures inflation?A. demand for goods
B. supply of goods
OC. consumer price index
D. money supply in the economy
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C. consumer price index
Step-by-step explanation:
Inflation is the general increase in prices in a country in a period. In the US, inflation is measured using the consumer price index, CPI. The CPI is a measure of the weighted average price of selected goods and services that represent the general consumption in the economy. The weighted average price at a particular time is compared to the weighted average price at the beginning of the period.
The weighted average price for the basket is compared to the previous period to determine the rate at which prices are increasing. A high rate of price increment signifies a high rate of inflation. The Government sets a target rate of inflation for the economy. It employs fiscal and monetary policies to keep inflation within acceptable levels.