Answer and Explanation:
1. North Korea is the country where the government is most involved in controlling business and the national economy. This is because North Korea exists on the command economy system, which represents a planned system where the government determines the entire production of goods and services, the quantity, the price and the sales distribution of these products, thus exercising full control trade and economy.
2. The effects of the activities of the governments of the two Koreas have very different effects on the economic and social sectors of each country. On the one hand, the establishment of a free market with full freedom for private companies, by the government of South Korea, promotes great economic growth, stimulation of trade and, consequently, a good social quality among citizens. North Korea, on the other hand, in planning, limiting and controlling its market, has had limited and insufficient economic expansion, not promoting social welfare and stimulating the growth of socio-economic difficulties across the country.
3. The market economy is the type of economy most likely to succeed. In addition to allowing full economic development, we have numerous examples of countries that adopt this type of economy and achieve full economic success such as South Korea, the USA and several European countries. However, we have no example of any command economy that has reached the levels of economic power.