1. ella; feminine, singular
2. ellos; masculine, plural
3. vosotros; masculine, plural
4. ellos; maculine, plural
5. yo; (depends what gender you are), singular
6. usted; masculine, singular
Step-by-step explanation:
"She" is ella, singular, and feminine. "He" is él, masculine, and singular. "We" is nosotros is masculine, and plural where another "we" is nosotras for females and plural. "They" are ellos or ellas depending on if there is a male in the group, and if there is not, it is feminine, if there is, it is masculine. Usted is formal for "he/she", masculine or feminine, and singular. Yo is "I", singular and it depends on what gender you are. Lastly, tú is for "you", informally, it depends on gender you are, and is singular.