Peter loves to have a good time. Almost every day after working at the salon, he meets up with his buddies to hang out.
They go to one another's apartments, order pizza, drink and watch television until late into the night. Often, because Peter
is so tired, he sleeps on his friend's couch and then gets up the next day and goes directly to work. His salon coworkers
always know when Peter has been out with his friends the night before because he is barely awake, is unshaven, and is
wearing the same clothes he wore the day before. Peter gets teased by some of the other salon employees for being a "free
spirit," but Allie, the salon manager, isn't as able to dismiss his messy appearance because he is often so disheveled that he
is off-putting to salon clients. Allie decides to have a conversation with Peter about his appearance and personal hygiene.
The best time for Allie to approach Peter would be:
When they are in a staff meeting.
When they are alone in the salon.
O When Peter is with a client.
O When Allie is in a managers' meeting.