1- Scientific question: is height associated with the footprint size in hominids?
2- Hypothesis: the footprint size is associated with the height
3- Experimentation:
a) to collect data about the footprint size in different hominids such as Homo Neanderthalensis, H. habilis and H. sapiens
b) to measure the fossilized footprints
4- Results: to compare statistically the differences among footprint sizes (i.e., footprint size data in different hominids vs fossilized footprints)
5- Conclusions: to confirm or reject the working hypothesis
Step-by-step explanation:
In the scientific method, the first step is to formulate a question that leads to the working hypothesis, whose answer will enable understand the reasons for a given observation. After this, it is necessary to formulate a working hypothesis, ie., a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon which is scientifically tested. Subsequently, it is required to test the hypothesis by experimentation or observational procedures to test our prediction (i.e., the working hypothesis). Finally, the statistical analysis of the results is used to obtain a conclusion in order to confirm (or reject) the working hypothesis.