Answer: The conclusion of the French and Indian War affected Britain in a huge way. They gained all of the lands east of the Mississippi River, and they also received Florida from Spain. Also, they had lots of debt they had to pay off which was very expensive, and that was the negative aspect of the French and Indian War for the British. The colonists experienced a great economic benefit which was the people that participated in the war efforts like the farmers, and shipbuilders. They had made a great deal of money, and also since the British claimed the very resourceful and profitable land, the Ohio River Valley, the colonists were very excited to start moving in on the land that would help them grow. Lastly, the confidence and cooperation among the colonies increased. The negative aspects of the French and Indian War for the colonists was that they had their taxes raised because Britain thought it was appropriate to have the colonists that received the benefits from Britain's victory to pay off the debt from the war. Also, this builds up tensions between the British government and the colonists. Which would boil over into the American Revolution later on. The French and Indian War affected the American Indians by them not receiving any of the benefits that they should've received from the war especially if they were on the victorious side, so in return, the American Indians would start to rebel against the British and this was Pontiac's rebellion that would cause the British to issue the Proclamation of 1763. Which was because the British didn't want to place forts throughout their territory to defend against the American Indian attacks that they might experience because of how expensive this would be and they didn't want to be in more debt than they already were, so they reserved that land for the American Indians, and this would prohibit colonists to settle in this reserved area. The colonists didn't listen to the Proclamation of 1763, so they still settled in the reserved area for the American Indians.
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