Questions about Connecticut
Colony Name: Connecticut
Year it was founded: 1636 (March 3rd)
Reasons the colony was founded: It was first a settlement for a group of puritans, but was taken over by The English after a land struggle with Dutch forces
Climate of the colony: Mountain, trees, rivers, but rocky soil so it wasn’t able to be used as farmland
Major landforms of the colony: Mountains, Large river valley, costal plain, and islands
Bodies of water in the colony: Connecticut River, Farmington River, Housatonic River
Population of the colony in 3 different years: year: 1680: 17,200people,
year: 1720: 58,800 people,
year: 1780: 206,700 people
Number of enslaved people in the colony at 3 dates:
1690: 200 slaves
1720: 1100 slaves
1774: 5100
Major ethnic groups in the colony: Native Americans, Pilgrims, Europeans, Dutch, and colonists
Main religious groups living in the colony: Puritanism or Congregationalist
Major economic activities in the colony: timber, fur trade, maps syrups, copper
How was the colony governed? it was self-governed. But when it finally made a charter it left great freedom with the rules.
Important Events in the history of the colony: must have at least 2
1. 1701: Yale university was founded
2.1634: became the first permanent settlement for the dutch.
3. 1662: Receives the Royal Charter from the king of england