In this study, the researchers tried to explain how twin studies are used to study the impact of genetics on human behavior. The question they were trying to answer was how much influence genes have in determining personal psychological qualities. They found that the correlations for characteristics were very similar, which indicate that genetic factors appear to account for most of the variations in a remarkable variety of human characteristics. However, there are some criticisms to their study. Some studies claim that the researchers did not publish their data as fully, or completely, as they should have. They also claim that the researchers failed to consider all environmental factors, which came up in other studies. The results of the study showed that identical twins, who were raised in different environments, grew into adults that were very similar, not only in appearance, but also psychology and personality. It also showed that because of the dominance of genes is why there is little effect of the environment on twins who were raised in the same setting. One significant finding that resulted from this study is that a study from the University of Minnesota found "not only that the vocation you choose is largely determined by your genes but also that about 30% of the variation in your overall job satisfaction and work ethic appear to be due to genetic factors."
Hope this helps!