- O "Charles?' she said. "We don't have any Charles in the kindergarten."
- "We had a little trouble adjusting, the first week or so,' she said primly, 'but now he's a fine little helper. With occasional lapses, of course."
Step-by-step explanation:
In the short story Charles, we learn about a boy named Laurie who just started kindergarten. Everyday he would come back with stories of a badly behaved boy named Charles.
During a Parent-Teacher meeting, Laurie's mother goes to see if she can meet Charles's mother and talk to her about him as she feared that Charles could become a bad influence on Laurie.
It was here that we find out that Laurie may have been talking abut himself this whole time because first off, when Laurie's mother asked about Charles, the Kindergarten teacher remarked that they did not have a Charles in Kindergarten which meant that Laurie had made the name up.
Another clue that Charles was actually Laurie was the teacher mentioning that Laurie had now become a fine helper even though he gave them a little trouble in the first week. This statement by the teacher tallied with the actions of Charles in Laurie's stories.