While you are online you should not share personal information like your address, phone number, age ,full name. you could share little things like your favorite tv show and things like that, but never things that are too personal and things that could pettiontally put you in danger.
Steps to know if a site is fake Step #1: Pay attention to the address bar.
Step #2: Check the domain name.
Step #3: Look up the domain age.
Step #4: Watch for poor grammar and spelling.
Step #5: Look for reliable contact information.
Step #6: Use only secure payment options.
Step #7: Walk away from deals that are too good to be true.
When someone is being cyberbullied you should tell a trusted adult or teacher and leave the internet alone. some types of bullying are being called names, being joked on, being harrased , inapropiate sayings about others, things like that. Different types of people are followers which are people who play a role in the bullying but not intetianally, or a reinforcer which is someone who supports the bullying,or a bystander which is some one who watches it and doesnt do anything to stop it.