3. 2,071,740
To find the product of 34.529 and 0.67, the 7 in the number "0.67" is used in multiplying the whole of "34.529" to get the first set of digit below = 241703.
(Note. When multiplying this way, decimal points are ignored. The decimal point is included at the end of the calculation)
Next is to use the number 6 to multiply 34.529, all through. Which will give us the number that should be in the empty box.
Multiplying 34.529 by 6, we would have: 207,174. 0 would be added after it to make it 2,071,740. This is done in order for the last digit of of the number to call under 6 that we used in multiplying.
241703 is then added to 2,071,740 = 2,313,443
34.529 has 3 decimal places to the right, 0.67 has 2 decimal places to the right, therefore, we would count 5 decimal places to our left and put our decimal point in the figure "2,313,443" = 23.13443